Can chickens eat asparagus

Can Chickens Eat Asparagus? Yes. Your chickens can eat Asparagus.

I feel better knowing that I’m able to take care of my chickens well. I so much love poultry and if you’re like me, then it means you must have realized that taking care of chickens entails catering for their feed too.

Almost every chicken keeper wants to avoid an unhealthy diet for their poultry birds. And when it comes to matters like this, we all tend to turn towards the natural angle and asparagus is naturally good for us as humans, but how about chickens. I love asparagus and I used to wonder if I could feed my chickens with this vegetable until I found out the answer.

Can chickens eat asparagus

If you don’t know too, the answer is yes. You can feed your chickens with asparagus and be sure to take advantage of a chicken feeder. It’s good for them, and not just asparagus, a host of other foods too. If you’re looking to see what your chickens can and cannot feed on, then the table below is for you. And it’s a sure guide.

You can feed your chickens with asparagus or as a small replacement for chicken feed. This vegetable is very beneficial to their health. Asparagus contains a lot of nutrients needed by your chickens to stay satisfied, healthy, and nourished.

Below is a table of nutrients that contains a detailed nutritional value about asparagus.

Nutritional Table For Asparagus.

1 Cup of asparagus – 134 grams

Calories – 26.8

Carbohydrates (g) 5.0
Fiber (g) 2.75
Protein (g) 3.13
Calcium (mg) 32
Iron (mg) 2.75
Magnesium (mg) 18.8
Phosphorus (mg) 67
Potassium (mg) 273
Zinc (mg) 0.8
Manganese (mg) 0.19
Choline (mg) 21.3
Selenium (mg) 3.1
Vitamin (mg) 8.4
Folate (mg) 69.8
Betaine (mg) 0.76
Beta carotene (mg) 599
Lutein & zeaxanthin (mcg) 949
Vitamin E (mg) 1.7
Vitamin K (mcg) 55.4
Vitamin A (mcg) 50.8

Interesting Facts About Asparagus

Asparagus takes time to grow. it takes about three years for it to harvest after the seed has been planted. Chickens can help in growing asparagus. They do this by pecking at the weeds that are growing among the asparagus without causing any damage to the crop at all. To achieve this, you should release about just a dozen chickens for every one thousand yards of asparagus. These chickens do much work; it would be very unfair for them to be unable to eat this vegetable.

China is the world’s largest cultivator of asparagus with Germany coming second. The United States of America is the fifth largest producer of this crop with over fourteen-thousand hectares. White asparagus is not genetically mutated to grow that way. It happens as a result of the lack of sunlight directed towards that part of the crop.

The weeds that grew among asparagus in the early years of its discovery were killed by raw sea salt. You would notice that asparagus plants sometimes look different. This is their way of exhibiting sexual differentiation. That is, the asparagus also has a male and a female plant!

Asparagus is a member of the lily family and it is related to garlic and onion. This vegetable when consumed can protect against toxins in alcohol.

Michigan is said to be the asparagus global capital. California grows about 70% of all the asparagus cultivated in the United States of America. This state is said to produce about fifty thousand tons of this crop. This vegetable has antioxidants and is very good for treating toothaches and bee stings naturally. Asparagus is known to have cancer prevention properties and reduce the risks of high blood pressure.

Asparagus means ‘sprout’ and it was first cultivated in Greece over two thousand years ago. Asparagus is good for dieting. It contains zero fat and cholesterol. There is a European museum in Bavaria, Germany that is dedicated to asparagus alone.

Asparagus contains 93% water. You can tell how old an asparagus plant is just by studying the stem. The stronger the stem of the plant, the older the plant is. Asparagus takes time to grow, but they can keep reproducing for as long as twenty years. Looks like a consolation for the three years spent growing the plant. You can watch asparagus grow. This plant can grow about five inches daily. Sometimes, it grows as much as seven inches. There is a purple variant of asparagus cultivated in Italy. This vegetable can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed, or fried.

Can Chickens Eat Asparagus?

Yes. Your chickens can eat asparagus. I do not just know that asparagus is good for chickens, I have practical experience as well. Asparagus is good for keeping your chickens healthy, strong, and nourished. The nutrients contained in asparagus should not be undermined when it comes to taking care of your chickens’ food.

Can My Chickens Eat Raw Asparagus?

Absolutely. Chickens can be fed with raw asparagus. Raw asparagus contains the most effective nutrients for chickens because it has not undergone any form of cooking that can reduce or drain the nutrients.

Can My Chickens Eat Cooked Asparagus?

Yes. Your chickens can eat cooked asparagus. Although not as beneficial as the raw one, cooked asparagus also provides substantial health benefits and nutrients for your chickens.

What You Should Know About Asparagus.

Asparagus is very good for chickens. Researchers have proven that the amazing nutrients present in asparagus are very beneficial. This vegetable also contains antioxidants that help your chickens fight toxins that might be found in what they consume or feed in.

Benefits Of Asparagus To Chickens.

  • A reliable source of vitamin K
  • Helps improve bone health and blood clotting.
  • Helps in proper circulation of blood.
  • Reduces toxins in their bodies.

In Summary

Asparagus is very beneficial for chickens. Your chickens can feed on asparagus either cooked, raw or fried. For proper intake of nutrients, asparagus is best eaten raw.

Looking for a complete guide on raising backyard chickens?

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